IP address ShunLists can be made by either uploading a comma separated file of IPV4 addresses or by manually typing individual addresses into the RAForce web panels.

Manual Method

1. Log in to your RA Force system using your custom domain.  It may look similar to: https://companyname.myraforce.com/login.html

2. Select “IP Lists” on the left-hand navigation

3. Select “Create New IP List” in the top right corner

4. Fill out the list metadata of the new IP list you want to create

5. Select “Add New IP address”

View and edit the "Rule Entry"

6. Add another IP address, this time with CIDR

7. You are finished adding addresses

8. Activate the list to allow your services to start using it

  • Note: the audit log needs a record of all changes made and why

9. Now, you can select "Subscribe" next to the device where you want the shunning to occur

10. Complete

File Upload Method

1. Prepare the CSV file for upload and perform steps 1­-4 as listed above in Manual Method

  • Note: lines that start with a “#” sign are ignored as comments
  • Note: lines may have a description. Lines without a description will have a description auto-generated

2. Select “Import List Contents”

3. Select “Browse,” then “Upload and Preview”

4. Add a log message and select "Confirm Import" to upload

5. Upload complete

6. Continue steps 7-10 as listed above in Manual Method

  • Note: any Customer List can be created and managed by any combination of manual editing and file uploading